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Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Capabilities are options that you can use to customize and configure an EdgeDriver session. To learn about starting a new EdgeDriver session, see Automating Microsoft Edge. This article describes all supported capabilities for Microsoft Edge and provides details about passing the capabilities to EdgeDriver sessions. Capabilities are passed to a WebDriver session as a JSON map, but it is not necessary or recommended to set them this way.

WebDriver testing frameworks such as Selenium binary option edge language bindings which typically have convenience methods so you don't need to configure the JSON map yourself. For example, Selenium configures capabilities through the EdgeOptions class. To learn more about how to configure capabilities, consult the documentation for your preferred WebDriver testing framework. For binary option edge information, see Choose a WebDriver testing framework. Create an instance of EdgeOptionswhich provides convenience methods to set Microsoft Edge-specific capabilities.

After you configure the EdgeOptions binary option edge, pass EdgeOptions into the EdgeDriver constructor. To use capabilities that don't have an associated convenience method, use the AddAdditionalEdgeOption method.

You must pass the full name of the capability and a value with the correct type. For the full list of accepted capabilities and value types, see EdgeOptions object. For standard capabilities that EdgeDriver accepts, see Selenium documentation and the W3C WebDriver standard.

This article only binary option edge capabilities specific to Microsoft Edge, binary option edge. Most Microsoft Edge-specific capabilities are exposed through the EdgeOptions object. In some languages, the capabilities are implemented by the EdgeOptions class. In other languages, the capabilities are stored under the ms:edgeOptions dictionary in DesiredCapabilities.

The webviewOptions dictionary is used to configure the WebView2 environment when launching a WebView2 app. It has the following format. All keys are optional. The following list contains all of the Microsoft Edge-specific capabilities that EdgeDriver returns when you create a new session, binary option edge. Skip binary option edge main content, binary option edge. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Table of contents Exit focus mode.

Read in English Save Table of contents Read in English Save Feedback Edit. Table of contents. Submit and view feedback for This page. View all page feedback. In this article. List of command-line arguments to pass to the Microsoft Edge process on launch.

If you're launching a WebView2 app, then these arguments are passed to your app instead of the underlying Microsoft Edge browser process. To pass arguments to the browser process when launching a WebView2 app, binary option edge, use webviewOptions. additionalBrowserArguments instead. Path to the Microsoft Edge binary to use on macOS, the path should be the actual binary, not just the app. If falseMicrosoft Edge quits when the WebDriver service shuts binary option edge, even if the WebDriver local end hasn't closed the session.

If trueMicrosoft Edge only quits if the WebDriver local end closes the session. If truebinary option edge, and the WebDriver local end doesn't close the session, EdgeDriver doesn't clean up the temporary user data folder used by the Microsoft Edge instance. List of Microsoft Edge command line switches to exclude that EdgeDriver by default passes when starting Microsoft Edge. Avoid the -- prefix for switches.

A list of extensions to install on startup. Each item in the list should be a base encoded packed extension. A dictionary with each entry consisting of the name of the preference and the value, binary option edge. The preferences are applied to the Local State file in the user data folder.

Directory to store Microsoft Edge minidumps. Supported only on Linux. A dictionary with either a value for deviceNameor values for deviceMetrics and userAgent. An optional dictionary that specifies performance logging preferences. For more information, binary option edge, see perfLoggingPrefs object. The preferences are only applied to the user profile in use. For examples, see the Preferences file in the user data folder of Microsoft Edge.

For more information, see Remote Debugging - Windows 10 devices. Optional password to use when connecting to a Windows Device Portal server. Required if the server has authentication enabled.

Optional user name to use when connecting to a Windows Device Portal server. An optional dictionary that can be used to configure the WebView2 environment when launching a WebView2 app. For more information, see webviewOptions object. Application user model ID of a Microsoft Edge app package to launch, for example Microsoft. Use windowsApp instead of binary when connecting to a Windows 10X device or emulator using Windows Device Portal.

A list of window types that are displayed in the list of window handles. For access to Android webview elements, include webview in the list. The requested number of milliseconds between DevTools trace buffer usage events.

For example, ifthen once per second, DevTools reports how full the trace buffer is. A comma-separated string of Microsoft Edge tracing categories for which trace events should be collected. An unspecified or empty string disables tracing. Path to a folder containing a fixed version WebView2 runtime to use. For more information about using a fixed version runtime distribution with WebView2, see Distribute a WebView2 app binary option edge the WebView2 Runtime.

Path to the user data folder that WebView2 will use. If userDataFolder isn't specified, Microsoft Edge WebDriver will create a temporary user data folder. For more information about managing the user data folder with WebView2, see Manage the user data folder.

List of command-line arguments that WebView2 will pass to the browser process on launch. Preferred WebView2 evergreen runtime distribution to use, binary option edge. Can be "stable" or "canary".

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